I think social media all about sharing your talents and skill. First observe people what they like, how they behave, what they share and what kind of posts they comment on. Now social media is not a place for personal use. Should not us anger & frustration frequently. Don’t get too personal. If you have a regular habit of doing this, it’s not way to use professionally. When using social media don’t always think, what is in for me? But rather then think how can benefit other. In a way social media where you learn and try to more and more giving.

Now Facebook is the best standard of social media. When you first join Facebook, the main activity is to connect with your friends, family, and colleagues. But when you discover yourself by using social media, you must join the largest group.

If you do feel the need to respond (any kind of status) , take some time to think about what you’re going to say. Think twice before you post anything, and think a couple more times before you respond to anything negative.